Артиллерия тату эскизы
Тату в виде Артиллерии делают военнослужащие и просто заинтересованные в этой тематике люди. Это войска, которые включают в себя все оружие крупного калибра: пушки, минометы, безоткатные орудия и т.Тату Артиллерия
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Цена - грн. Originating as an ancient tribal practice serving as rites of passage, symbols of religious devotion or marks of bravery, tattoo art has slowly grown into an essential fashion item, a personal statement, a decorative memorial or pledges of deep beliefs. From miniature, hand-drawn pieces to extensive tribal-inspired tattoo markings, contemporary lineworks to retrospective designs, the new wave of tattoos reveals an international aesthetic movement grounded in the love of art. Varied by striking motifs, INK — The Art of Tattoo amasses some recent and classic flash designs, original patterns and illustrations that encapsulate how tattoo styles around the world have evolved. Readers can start examining the subject by admiring a diverse spectrum of tattoo flash categorised by artist, then go on to a photography showcase of inked bodies modelled for fashion and art projects. The book continues with interviews that provide a portal into the mind of select tattoo artists, each distinct in style and approach.
Татуировки и боди-арт
UZS 81, x UZS 37, x UZS 62, x UZS 66, x